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Sending abundant love and heartfelt congratulations to our esteemed alumna, Chloe Yap Mun Ee @chloeyapmunee for clinching the coveted title of “Best Multimedia Design in Dance” at the recent 19th BOH Cameronian Arts Awards!

Since its inception in 2002, the BOH Cameronian Arts Awards has been a beacon of recognition, honouring exceptional performances in dance, music, theatre, and musical theatre from the preceding year. Dedicated to elevating the arts scene in Malaysia, it serves as a platform to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of artists across diverse realms of the performing arts.

Established by @kakiseni, Malaysia’s premier online platform devoted to the arts, these awards stand as the singular recognition platform assessing live music, dance, theatre, and musical theatre in the country.

Congratulations once more to Chloe & everyone involved! We eagerly anticipate your future endeavours in the world of artistry! To know more, click on this link