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4th series of Alumni Vibes: BE BOLD

MMU FB & Youtube 3PM

The Centre for Alumni is excited to present the 4th series of Alumni Vibes: BE BOLD.
This series highlights Permata Dunia Saliza Abdullah who graduated from the Faculty of Management (FOM). She is the Managing Director & CEO as well as the founder of BG Capital Holdings Sdn.Bhd. Find out how Permata Dunia Saliza Abdullah becomes a successful femalepreneur in a male dominated industry
Join us to hear more updates from several other Permata Dunia in other segments of the series: Mentor Vibes, Yummy Vibes, News Vibes and Apa Khabar Permata Dunia.
Like 👍 and follow Permata Dunia Instagram and Facebook page to receive more updates.
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🔹️27 July 2022📆
🔹️3 PM🕑