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1.        E-Directory

 1.1.     The E-Directory is developed by Centre for Alumni, Multimedia University (“MMU”) via its main website ( (“Website”) to allow MMU’s alumni (“you” or “your”) to reconnect with other fellow alumnus, expand new professional, career, academic networking and as a platform to

market your business or presence to MMU’s community as well as the public.


1.2.     The E-Directory is provided on a complimentary basis and the business listing is open to all MMU’s alumni only who is an owner or co-owner of any type of business, legally incorporated and registered in accordance with applicable laws in Malaysia and/or outside Malaysia.


2.        Registration


2.1.     You must fill up the online Registration Form as provided by MMU and follow the relevant processes until completion, as stated in the Website if you are interested to place and publish your business details in the E-Directory.


2.2.     MMU has the sole right and discretion to approve or disapprove your application due to any reasons it deems fit. MMU further reserves the right to reject your application if it is found that you provide any false, inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information in the Registration Form.


3.        Obligations


3.1.     You must provide true, accurate and up-to-date information of your business details and personal information in the Registration Form for the purpose of publication in the Website. MMU is not responsible for any error, inaccurate or outdated info published or provided by you to us. You are responsible to notify MMU for any updates and changes required for your business details from time to time.


3.2.     MMU reserves the right to verify the information provided by you in the said Registration Form in any method it deems fit.


3.3.     You are required to provide necessary supporting documents as an evidence to verify your business details and presence, if so requested by MMU.


3.4.    MMU reserves the right to remove your business details from the Website at any time, due to any reason it deems fit, without first obtaining your consent.


3.5.     By submitting the Registration Form to MMU and accepting this T&C, you hereby agree to voluntarily furnish the said information to us and provide consent to MMU for us to publish your business details, images (if any) and other information as provided in the Registration Form in the Website.


3.6.     MMU shall make available your business details in the E-Directory for so long the Website is active, save and except in the occurrence of situation referred in Clause 4 below or whenever MMU is being notified in writing that you are no longer interested to place your business details in the Website. You may contact MMU at +603-83125898 or should you wish to cease from publishing or placing your business details in the Website.


4.        Cancellation, Suspension and Delay  

MMU reserves the right to cancel, modify, suspend, hold or delay the publication of your business details in the event of any unforeseen circumstances beyond its reasonable control or any reasons it deems fit. For the avoidance of doubt, any cancellation, modification, suspension or delay by MMU shall not entitle you to any claim or compensation against MMU for any and all losses or damages whatsoever suffered or incurred by you as a direct or indirect result of the said act(s).


5.        Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer


5.1.     In no event MMU will be liable to you for any direct, indirect, consequential or special damages whatsoever suffered by you or any other party relating in any way to this E-Directory or pursuant to any activities contemplated under these


5.2.     MMU shall not be liable for any failure to comply with its obligations where the failure is caused by something beyond its reasonable control. Such circumstances shall include, but not limited to, weather conditions, fire, flood, hurricane, strike, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, inevitable accidents, supervening legislation, pandemic, epidemic or any circumstances amounting to force majeure.


5.3.     You agree that MMU shall not be liable to you in any way for any losses or damages, rights, claims and/or actions of any kind howsoever arising whether in contract, tort or otherwise including without limitation to personal injury, death, property damage, claims based on publicity rights, defamation or invasion of privacy suffered by you as a result of your agreement and acceptance to publish your business details in this E-Directory, and which was due to an act or omission by MMU.


5.4.     When we publish your business details in the Website, MMU and/or any of its employees do not and never in whatsoever circumstances endorse, warrant or provide any guarantee to the public or third party pertaining to your business (including your products or services) as advertised in the Website. MMU is not legally affiliated with you and/or your business and we are not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of third party use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained in the E-Directory or any transaction related thereto.


6.        Indemnity 

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, you will defend, indemnify and hold MMU save and harmless from any and all claims, suits, actions, demands, costs, settlements, losses, damages, expenses and all other liabilities including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from breach of this T&C or the intentionally wrongful or negligent acts or omissions on your part, in the performance of or failure to perform your obligations under this T&C.


7.        Variation to the T&C 

MMU reserves the right to vary, change, amend, delete or add to this T&C without prior written notice at any time and you shall be bound by such variation.


8.        Copyright 

By agreeing to allow MMU to publish your business details in the E-Directory, you hereby grant MMU a perpetual and non-exclusive rights to broadcast or publish relevant information that you have provided by to us, including but not limited the names, pictures or images (if any) or display any matter related to you for publicity, advertising, trade or promotional purposes in any other media (including social media platform, internal bulletin or MMU’s publication (if any), without further notice to you. You are not entitled to claim any payment in any form, fee or compensation for the use of your images or details in relation to the above.


9.        Personal Data Protection


9.1.     You acknowledge, understand and agree that all the details that you provide in the Registration Form shall be collected, used, kept and processed by MMU for the purpose of this E-Directory. Any information, business details or personal data (“Personal Data”) provided to MMU in connection with the E-Directory shall be kept confidential and to be processed for the purpose aforementioned only. MMU shall take all reasonable precautions to preserve the integrity and prevent any corruption or loss, damage or destruction of your Personal Data and comply with the requirement of Personal Data Protection Act 2010.


9.2.     You are aware that you need to provide necessary Personal Data in the Registration Form provided by MMU for the purpose of this E-Directory, therefore, you are fully consented to allow the said information to be inserted therein to be used for verification and processing purposes by MMU.


10.       Bound by T&C 

You hereby agree to be bound by the T&C contained herein.


11.      Dispute Resolution 

You agree that in the event of any dispute between the parties, it shall be discussed and resolved in good faith within thirty (30) days from the date of complaint is officially made to MMU. If the dispute is unable to be resolved within such period, both parties agree to refer to the MMU’s management (which shall be solely determined by MMU) for final decision. Any decision made by MMU shall be binding on both parties.


12. Governing Law & Jurisdiction 

This T&C is governed by the laws of Malaysia and any dispute arising out of or in connection with them shall subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Malaysia.